Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lice disease

I think working on this report was fun because I learned a lot about this disease. It also taught me a lot of other things too like how to post something on your blog and how to do research for a project.
next time, I will try to explain things in a little more detail and as much information I can get about the topic.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Why is Literacy so important?!

Why is Literacy so important?..or is it important?!

I think literacy is very important.  It's important to understand the world we live in.  If you are not literate you will have no idea what's going on in the world right now.  You need literacy to be able to read newspaper.
Example: You go to some place new and you can't read the signs or directions.  You will be totally lost.
Another example is: You go to a grocery store.  You are looking for something but you can't read sign.  You will need someone to guide you each and every time.  After you have whatever you wanted, you go to the cashier. The cashier tries to trick you.
That's why literacy is very important.  You need literacy in everyday life.  You have a higher risk of crime and a lower chance of getting a job.  Literacy shows you the way of living.