Sunday, October 17, 2010

Daniel's Story

In chapter 5, Daniel's father said that the radio was really important to the family.  He said that it gave them hope and...
         "Hope was more important than bread."
What did he mean?  Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

I think he means that you need hope to live...Which means to eat and stay alive.  I agree and disagree at the same time.
I agree because if you don't have hope, you will think that you are nobody and you mean nothing to the world. Then you won't eat which means you want to die.
I disagree because you need food to live, have hope, and work.
So, I think both are important at the same time.  You need bread and hope in the situation that Daniel's family is in at the same time.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Are video games good or bad?

Do you think video games are good?...or bad? I think video games are good and bad at the same time.

I think they are good because they relax you when you are tired or stressed. They make you feel good. Your mind is automatically transferred right in the game. So you forget everything else...all your problems, feelings, and thoughts etc.
The way they are bad is that they effect your eye sight. They keep you unhealthy. Then you are not physically active. Which is very bad for your body.