Monday, January 31, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Letter to Sodapop
Dear brother, Sodapop. It’s me Ponyboy. I miss you a lot. I am writing to you about what happened the night I ran away. I know you are worried but I’m fine.
When I ran away that night, Johnny and I ran to the park. I had no idea what I was doing. Johnny calmed me down and I decided to come back. We started to walk when a blast from a car horn made us both jump. The blue mustang was circling the park slowly. Five Socs got out of the mustang and started to walk towards us. It was Randy, Bob and three other Socs. I ducked and tried to run but the Soc caught my arm and twisted it behind my back. Then the Soc shoved my face in the fountain. I fought, but the hand behind my neck was too strong. I though and wondered what was happening to Johnny. I held my breath too long. I couldn’t hold it anymore. Then a red gaze filled my mind and I slowly relaxed. The next thing I knew I was laying on the pavement beside the fountain, coughing water. I pushed myself up and leaned against the fountain. Johnny was sitting next to me. He was a strange greenish-white and his eyes were hunger than I’d ever seen them. Bob, the handsome Soc was lying there in the moonlight, doubled up and still. Johnny had killed Bob. After a while we ran because the police was going to be there soon. We needed a plan to get away and a gun to protect us. We didn’t have any idea how we were going to get the gun. Dally was the only one who could provide us the gun and the plan. So we ran to Dally’s and got the guide. After that we got on a cargo train and according to the plan, we got off at our stop, which is Windrixville. We are staying in an old church right now.
I might come back home, but I am not sure yet. The police think that we are headed to Texas . So obviously we are not going to Texas . I have no idea where we are going next. We can’t stay here either because the police is going to be here soon. I’ll inform you when I get more information. Keep in touch!
Ponyboy Curtis
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Similarities between Ponyboy and Greg
Ponyboy and Greg are two very different people. Ponyboy comes from a place where poverty and crime are common. He lives with his two older brothers since his parents are dead. The oldest one is Darry Curtis, second-oldest is Sodapop Curtis, and Ponyboy is the youngest. Ponyboy and Sodapop are both in a gang called “The Greasers.” Greg comes from an ideal family with parents who love him dearly. Greg has two brothers, one older and one younger. The older one is Rodrick and the younger one is Mandy. Even though, they are two different people, they do share similarities.
Both Ponyboy and Greg have the important similarity of needing to fit in. Ponyboy tries to fit in his gang even if he likes books and has a high I.Q. He tries to fit in by wearing clothes like the greasers, making his hair like the greasers and acting like the greasers. Steve Randle, Sodapop’s best buddy since grade school thinks that Ponyboy is a tag along. On the other hand, Greg does anything to fit in his middle school. He wrestles, becomes a safety patrol officer. He even sings to try to fit in. Not to mention being mean to his best friend. Greg tells his best friend that he dresses funny, he doesn’t know anything about being cool. Greg even breaks his best friend’s arm and doesn’t even apologize. He is not loyal to his friend. So both, Greg and Ponyboy are insecure and don’t think that just being themselves would be good.
Another important similarity is that Ponyboy and Greg are both bullied. Ponyboy is bullied by his brother and the Socs. The Socs is another gang from the west side of the city. Darry doesn’t want Ponyboy to get in trouble that’s why Ponyboy is under strict orders. Greg is picked on by Rodrick, his older brother and Patty, a girl he knew from younger grade. Rodrick is a jerk and he didn’t do well in middle school that’s why he doesn’t want Greg to do well. Patty on the other hand bullied Greg because he made fun of her name in younger grades. So she is getting back at Greg for making fun of her name.
The last important similarity that I noticed is that they both don’t use their heads. What I mean by “not using their heads” is that they don’t think. They both are dreamers. They jump to conclusions. For example, Greg thought that he can be popular if he wrestled. Why can’t he just be himself? For Ponyboy a perfect example is when he walked home by himself. He could have got one of the gang members to come but he didnt , so he got jumped by the Soc. Ponyboy also tries to fit in by acting and dressing like the greasers. Why can’t he just be himself?
So there are some similarities that Ponyboy and Greg both share. Even though they come from a very different place and time. There are many other similarities that they share, but I think these three are the most important ones. They both are bullied, both try to fit in and both don’t use their heads. What if Ponyboy did have his parents, do you think that they would have the same similarities then?
Monday, January 17, 2011
Daniel Radcliffe as Johnny Cade
Daniel Radcliffe as Johnny Cade
He is a greaser. He is sixteen years old. He is shy and scared of his own shadow. He can also be a different person sometimes. I chose Daniel Radcliffe to play the roll of Johnny cade because he looks innocent and shy just like Johnny. Daniel can also be different person sometimes, just like Johnny.
He is a greaser. He is sixteen years old. He is shy and scared of his own shadow. He can also be a different person sometimes. I chose Daniel Radcliffe to play the roll of Johnny cade because he looks innocent and shy just like Johnny. Daniel can also be different person sometimes, just like Johnny.

Taylor Lautner as Dally Winston
Taylor Lautner as Dally Winston
He is a greaser. He has high cheek bones and a pointed chin. He has blue eyes and ears like lynx. I chose Taylor Lautner to play the roll of Dally Winston because Taylor fits the description of Dally, how he is described in the book.
He is a greaser. He has high cheek bones and a pointed chin. He has blue eyes and ears like lynx. I chose Taylor Lautner to play the roll of Dally Winston because Taylor fits the description of Dally, how he is described in the book.

Robert Pattinson as Two-Bit Matthews
Robert Pattinson as Two-Bit Matthews
He is a greaser. He is the oldest in his gang. He is the wise cracker of the bunch. He is about six feet tall. He has gray eyes and is proud of his long sideburns. I chose Robert to play as Two-Bit Matthews because of his sideburns. They are long just the way they are described in the book.
He is a greaser. He is the oldest in his gang. He is the wise cracker of the bunch. He is about six feet tall. He has gray eyes and is proud of his long sideburns. I chose Robert to play as Two-Bit Matthews because of his sideburns. They are long just the way they are described in the book.

Keegan Allen as Sodapop Curtis
Keegan Allen as Sodapop Curtis
He is the second-oldest of the three brothers. He is sixteen years old. He is a happy-go lucky and always grinning guy. He is a greaser. I chose Keegan Allen to play as Sodapop Curtis because of his clothes. His jacket is similar to the jackets that gangs used to wear, back in 1900s.
He is the second-oldest of the three brothers. He is sixteen years old. He is a happy-go lucky and always grinning guy. He is a greaser. I chose Keegan Allen to play as Sodapop Curtis because of his clothes. His jacket is similar to the jackets that gangs used to wear, back in 1900s.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Ashton Kutcher as Steve Randle
Ashton Kutcher as Steve Randle
He is Soda's best buddy since grade school. He is a greaser. He has thick greasy hair. He is tall and lean. I chose him because of his thick greasy hair just like Steve Randle's.
He is Soda's best buddy since grade school. He is a greaser. He has thick greasy hair. He is tall and lean. I chose him because of his thick greasy hair just like Steve Randle's.

Matt prokop as Ponyboy Curtis
Matt Prokop as Ponyboy Curtis
He is the youngest of the three brothers. His parents are dead. He has greenish gray eyes. He has long light brown hair.He is a greaser but he is not into fighting.. I chose him because Matt looks like he is a teenager and young like Ponyboy is the youngest in his gang aswell.
He is the youngest of the three brothers. His parents are dead. He has greenish gray eyes. He has long light brown hair.He is a greaser but he is not into fighting.. I chose him because Matt looks like he is a teenager and young like Ponyboy is the youngest in his gang aswell.

Thursday, January 6, 2011
The Outsiders: Know The Characters
Matt Lanter as Darry Curtis
The oldest of the three brothers. He is in his twenties. He has dark brown hair that kicks out in front like a slight cowlick. His eyes are blue-green ice. He is tough, cool and smart. He is six-feet-two, broad shouldered and muscular. He is hard, firm and rarely grins. I chose Matt Lanter to play Darry Curtis because he looks exactly like Darry is described in the book. I also chose him because his personality is similar to Darry’s personality.
Victim Impact Statement
Your Honor,
My 14 year old daughter, Dawn-Marie Wesley was threatened and bullied between November 5 and November 10, 2000. She could not get help because she thought if she tried to get help, it would get worse. She thought there was no way out, so she commit suicide. Initially, my daughter and the girl convicted of criminal harassment were friends. During the last days of her life the offender yelled at my daughter saying you are dead in a very offensive, mean way. In a suicide note, all she told me that she is ending her life because three girls at her school are after her. She said that they are always looking for a new person to beat up. She also said that they are the toughest girls in her school. My son found her hanging in a closet in our family home.
This has impacted my life a lot. This changed my life emotionally and physically. She was my only daughter. This will always be a memory to me. Every time I hear the word bullying, my daughter comes to my mind. My daughter makes me burst into tears. I can never forgive the bully. What did she get from bullying my daughter? Nothing…absolutely nothing. What did my daughter do to them that they bully her? How would they feel if I bullied them? These girls should get a life-time jail. All of them, not just one. I will do anything to get my daughter back. Even if it means to lose my house or anything valuable. This has affected me in a lot of ways. The way it affected me physically is that I don’t feel like doing anything. I don’t want to eat anything. I have gotten weaker. I sometimes think too much that my head starts to hurt. I don’t even have the energy to get out of bed. This has affected me emotionally aswell. Sometimes my emotions take over me and I can’t control myself. I feel like destroying everything. I feel like getting revenge. I don’t want to hear anything about bullying or watch anyone getting bullied. I wash my daughter’s clothes, clean her shoes and I have even have her handwriting framed. I want to keep her memories alive. It makes me feel alive. I want to keep looking at her face the whole day. The way I was affected mentally is that sometimes I just can't stop myself from doing something. For example, I can't stop myself from burning my daughter's pictures. The pictures remind me a lot of my daughter and good memories. Good memories that I want to remember. But the pictures also bring back a lot of bad memories. Bad memories that I don't want to remember. I wish there was a way that I can go to the past. But I know that can't happen, so I want justice. I want these girls to understand how it feels to lose something that is so precious to you. More precious than your own life. I wonder how my son feels about this. This has changed his life as well. He is awfully quiet now. He doesn't talk to anyone, he doesn't eat, he doesn't go out to play or hang out with his friends anymore. Sometimes he doesn't realize what he is doing, he has dropped a lot of marks in his school already. He doesn't seem to care about anything now. My daughter had her own dreams too. She had a lot to accomplish. It feels like all my dreams are dead. I know all this is not going to get my daughter back to life or something. But these girls can learn a lesson from this. I know that nothing goes as you wish, I know they are not going to get life time jail because I'm not the president or judge or something. But I still hope these girls learned a valuable lesson from this. I don't care what kind of punishment they get. My daughter is already dead and I can't change the past. So all I'm looking for here is fair justice. I don't care if they are sent to the justice circle or jail or an island. I just want plain, fair justice and I also want them to learn the valuable lesson.
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